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Smoking Cessation Program

Our Smoking Cessation program provides a systematic approach to help patients quit smoking.

Our program is based on the best practices adopted from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation).

Our specially trained smoking counsellors will:

    1. Assess your smoking history; reasons for smoking and reasons for quitting
    2. Share information on methods for quitting; cessation medications and products
    3. Provide supportive counselling in one-on-one format
    4. Assist you to create a Quit Plan designed to your specific needs
    5. Support you on your journey to be a non-smoker


If you are a tobacco user and are ready to quit, please email our Pharmacist (Jadie.Lo@wmcfht.com) today or use the Patient Portal (https://portal.healthmyself.net/wmcfht#/) to book an appointment. 

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